
Licata offer a range of Certified EWI systems which have been specifically design for the UK market. We offer EWI System for the retrofit, new-build and modular market. Using Licata EWI systems improve not only the thermal efficiency but also the appearance of buildings. Licata offer a range of decorative finishes including Brick Slips and Silicone render

Advantages of External Wall Insulation Systems

External wall insulation provides a number of benefits both obvious and subtle including:

Enhanced kerb appeal for
your home or business

Installing external wall insulation will cover any imperfections on the exterior of your home or business while unifying the look at the same time. In addition, you have your choice of a multitude of decorative finishes and more than 700 colour choices.

Extending the life
of your home

Poorly insulated homes are under constant assault by the elements. While we may not be able to perceive the damage this does from day to day, over the years the accumulated damage is significant. External wall insulation envelops your home or business in an effective layer of protection, relieving the stress on the structure’s exterior and extending its life.

An insulated render makes
your home quieter

An external insulation layer that is fixed to the wall muffles street noise, making your home much more livable or your business a much more agreeable place to work. This is an oft-overlooked benefit of external wall insulation, but an important one, especially in more developed areas where external noise can be considerable.

It makes your home or
business more energy-efficient

Most consider this the most important benefit of this type of solid wall insulation, and the one that more than justifies the external wall insulation cost. Not only does this type of system prevent heat loss, but it also stores heat that is emitted back into the home late at night when the thermostat is turned down, thereby further reducing your energy bills.

It provides
long-lasting protection

As a leading external wall insulation company, we have been around for decades and seen firsthand how long these systems last. Most are warranted for 25 years, but in reality, the system will last much longer than that as long as it was installed properly.

Ease Of Installation

It can be difficult and time-consuming to get planning permission for many types of renovation or remodelling work. But that is not the case with external wall insulation. There are few building regulations that will get in the way of the external wall insulation installation.

External wall insulation from Licata can be applied to new builds or virtually any type of existing home or business, although you will have to check first in the case of a listed building.

Quality Products you can trust

Licata Building Solutions is a leading Italian supplier of building materials, products and solutions for facades and interior surfaces. We have four depots and showrooms in the UK, all stocking our extensive product range.