Green Homes LAD Scheme

WRITTEN BY: dev@licata


The 81 Local authorities who successfully bid for an allocation of BEIS most recent funding toward whole house retrofit and energy efficiency have been made.

The authorities span England form as far north as Newcastle to as far south as New Forest. Although the percentage splits of the allocations has not yet been published, Licata Managing Director Rudin Hoxha commented “distributing the 126 Million in a country-wide manner will contribute towards addressing fuel poverty on a national level. Too often the minor counties are not treated fairly in the distribution of funding with the larger combined authorities receiving the larger shares. Low-income and fuel poverty is a national problem and not exclusively in large urban areas”.

This is the second phase of LAD grants that have been awarded. The scheme was originally launched in August 2020. Offering in total £500 million, the scheme funds energy efficiency and low carbon heating projects for low income households across England. It supports delivery of the target to reduce fuel poverty in England, the UK’s pathway to net zero by 2050 as well as stimulating the economic recovery following COVID-19, supporting, and creating green jobs.

The Green Homes Local Authority Delivery scheme aims to upgrade around 50,000 homes, saving consumers money on their energy bills, while making it easier to keep their homes warm. Eligible measures include solid wall insulation such as Licata Therm Eco.

The Local Authority Delivery (LAD) Scheme is being delivered in 3 principle Phases:

  • Phase 1A:  Grants of over £74 million for 55 projects which will upgrade the energy efficiency of around 10,000 low-income households in over 100 local authorities across all areas in England by June 2021
  • Phase 1B: around £126 million of funding has been allocated to 81 local authorities for delivery of energy efficiency projects by September 2021, aiming to upgrade around 15,000 homes. This includes consortium bids submitted by a lead local authority that cover energy efficiency upgrades across multiple geographically related local authorities
  • Phase 2: funding of £300 million has been allocated to the 5 Local Energy Hubs who will work with their regional local authorities to continue to deliver energy efficiency upgrades to up to 30,000 homes across England to those most in need, until December 2021

Local Energy Hubs are a collaboration of Local Enterprise Partnerships working together to increase the number, scale and quality of local energy projects being delivered across England.

Local Energy Hubs are based in 5 locations, South East, South West. Midlands, North East, North West.

If you are involved in LAD and would like advice on measures and in particular solid wall insulation please contact Alternatively if you would like more general advice on the scheme feel free to step into one of the Licata Hubs.

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