EWI & How It Reduces Your CO2 Footprint.

WRITTEN BY: Licata Building Systems

Our planet is experiencing a climate emergency and we need to do everything we can to reduce our carbon output if we want to

protect our world we live in.

We are also in the middle of a very real cost of living crisis. Energy prices souring to all time heights with no sign of abating.

Insulating your home offers energy bill savings as well as providing amazing benefits for the environment too.

How Does This Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?

Reducing heat loss from your home, insulation reduces/removes your need to constantly rely on gas and electric powered central heating systems by turning down the thermostat and being so much more efficient thus reducing the amount of CO2 you produce and shrinking your carbon footprint. Something to be really proud of.

Energy Saving Trust Figures Have Shown :

  • External Wall Insulation – can reduce carbon output by 1490kg per year ( along with £490 of savings )
  • Cavity Wall Insulation – can reduce carbon output by 1500kg per year ( along with £250 of savings )
  • Loft Insulation – can reduce carbon output by 125kg per year ( along with £250 of savings )

Insulating your property along with other measures such as heat pumps and double glazed windows, you can make your home far more comfortable,

green and sustainable.

Get in touch :

Email – info@licataltd.co.uk

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